
© Leibniz-Institut (IPK)
Gatersleben Lecture with Prof. Dr. Gwyneth Ingram

October 22, 2024 / 2 pm, Prof. Dr. Gwyneth Ingram from CNRS, ENS de Lyon, France will speak in frame of the Gatersleben Lecture Series. Her lecture title is "Embryo-Endosperm dialogues in developing seeds: Distinguishing in from out, and up from down".

Abstract: In angiosperms, the double fertilization of ovules gives rise to two distinct organisms; the embryo and the endosperm. Although genetically similar, their developmental trajectories within the seed are dramatically different. The embryo develops into a “baby plant”, differentiating tissues and meristems that will permit its ultimate germination and growth into a new individual. In contrast the endosperm appears to play a “nursing” role, transferring nutrients from the mother plant to the embryo, and ultimately dying. To what extent the development of these two organisms is interdependent remains controversial. I will focus on peptide mediated dialogues between the embryo and the endosperm. I will discuss advances in our research showing that the endosperm, in addition to its nursing role, provides developmental cues to the embryo. I will then go on to show new data suggesting that, contrary to the currently accepted view, endosperm development is also profoundly influenced by the embryo. Our findings shed light on the importance of molecular dialogues between these two “sibling” organisms, and raise interesting questions about the control of molecular diffusion in the apoplasts of reproductive structures

Hybrid meeting at IPK Lecture Hall and via VCS Zoom

Link: (Meeting-ID: 633 5236 5636 /  Kenncode: 159954)
