September 10, 2024 / 2 pm, Prof. Dr. Tom Bennett from University of Leeds will speak in frame of the Gatersleben Lecture Series. His lecture title is "Knowing when to stop: understanding how plants integrate environmental and internal information to optimise their growth and reproductive effort".
Abstract: In order to maximise their reproductive effort, plants must grow to an optimum size in relation to their physical, chemical and biological environment. Similarly, during flowering, plants must produce the optimum number of inflorescences and flowers to maximise seed set, without compromising the quality of the resulting seed. In order to make the correct 'decisions' regarding their growth, plants integrate diverse sets of environmental information to regulate both the length of the growing period, and the number of structures that they form during that period. They also use feedback from previously produced organs to help measure their current size and reproductive performance. Here, I will discuss my lab's research into understanding the mechanisms by which plants are able to detect and respond to the environment in order to coordinate their growth and to determine when to stop growing.
Hybrid meeting at IPK Lecture Hall and via VCS Zoom
Link: (Meeting-ID: 660 3536 5726 / Kenncode: 202563)