Special Collections

Allium Database

R.M. Fritsch & M. Abbasi. A taxonomic review of Allium subg. Melanocrommyum in Iran

ISBN 978-3-9813096-3-8, 240 pp., 73 distribution maps, 105 color plates or figures

After a short introduction, this review contains an illustrated key for determination (in English and Persian) and detailed descriptions of 76 species and subspecies (10 of them are newly described here), plus some incompletely known taxa. Distribution maps and color plates or figures as well as an ITS-based dendrogram of the phylogenetic relations in subg. Melanocrommyum complete the descriptions.

Order information below

R. M. Fritsch (compiler): Checklist of ornamental Allium species and cultivars currently offered in the trade

This checklist was compiled using recent catalogues (printed ones and in electronic form), and other kinds of offers of plant and bulb traders. It presents about 250 species (plus c. 50 synonyms and spelling variants, and c. 20 hybrids and intraspecific taxa), and 240 cultivars. Species and after them the cultivars are arranged in two tables in alphabetical order. The offspring of a cultivar, or the source of the material distributed in the trade, some morphological characters, the flowering period, and the use are presented as far as they were communicated in the sources. Additional columns contain information selected by the compiler, and the affiliation to subgenera and sections in the most recent Allium classification accepting 15 subgenera and about 80 sections. 64 pp., published 15 March 2015

Checklist of ornamental Allium species and cultivars currently offered in the trade

Order information for Allium review of Iran

Cover (English) and Back cover (Persian) of the Allium review

Table of Contents

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Price per copy (packing & postage included): 30.00 EUR

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