Lectures 2023

Prof. Dr. iv. Liesje Mommer (Wageningen University & Research, Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Title: "Digging deeper: Belowground disease risk in diverse plant communities"


The Plant species diversity is often associated with reduced disease risk. Yet, the scientific literature on diversity-disease relationships is unclear, showing…


Prof. Dr. Yves van de Peer (VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics, Zwijnaarde, Belgium)

Title: "Life with more than one genome."

VCS Zoom: https://ipk-gatersleben-de.zoom.us/j/61965910022?pwd=aENjUWlCQzFGbzFaYTZlV1B4K3lpUT09

Meeting-ID: 619 6591 0022  /  Kenncode: 122729




Unfortunately, the Gatersleben Lecture for today has to be cancelled due to illness. We will make every effort to find a rescheduled date as soon as possible.

Prof. Dr. Gloria Coruzzi (Carroll & Milton Petrie Professor, NYU Center for Genomics & Systems Biology, New York, USA)

Title: A model-to-crop Machine-Learning approach Identifies Gene Networks controlling Nutrient Use Efficiency…


Curtis Pozniak, Ph.D, P. Ag, Professor (CDC) and Director (Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, Saskatchewan, Canada

Title: "Feed the future:  Integration of next generation technologies to wheat breeding."



Prof. Dr. Thomas Dresselhaus (University of Regensburg, Institute of Plant Sciences, Department of Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry, Regensburg, Germany)

Title: "The plant egg cell"

Link: https://ipk-gatersleben-de.zoom.us/j/68666757098?pwd=akRodmN1VjFCMFpGSnNCaFU0NFZndz09

Meeting-ID: 686 6675 7098 /  Kenncode: 746439

